Veni Sancte Spiritus

Veni Sancte Spiritus comes from Latin and means; ‘Come Holy Spirit’.

Click here to listen to a Taize version of the hymn with your students, this could be done with some preparation – introducing the hymn as a form of prayer, quietening the mind and body, closing eyes, feet flat on floor, hands relaxed on lap.

Then consider asking your students the questions below, you could use ‘Think, Pair, Share’

Veni Sancte Spiritus – Worksheet for Students

Veni Sancte Spiritus – Student Worksheet Answers

You could follow on from this by introducing Taize, as a place where this form of Prayer unites people from all Christian denominations and beyond.

The Taize website could be explored with students to learn more.

Finally, take a look at these extracts from the YouCat Prayer Book by clicking the following link: YouCat Prayer Book – Come Holy Spirit