Post-Primary Resource

Check out our new resource “A Wellbeing Wall for Chaplains and Teachers.

Using Padlet, we have created an online space to support your self-care and professional practice. The resources shared on the Wellbeing Wall will be updated according to the needs that we face in our schools over the course of the school year.

You can find the following support on our Wellbeing Wall right now:

  • Pastoral Care and Professional Practice during Covid-19
  • Self-Care to help you Relax and Replenish
  • Self-Care to help you Build and maintain Resilience
  • Chaplaincy: What am I called to do or be?
  • Catholic Schools Week 2021: Lessons and resources
  • Liturgy ideas
  • Other resources for teaching and learning
  • Suggestions for your Continuous Professional Development

The Wellbeing Wall can be accessed by the following link and we hope you find it a very useful resource going forward:

This resource is easy to use with all materials on it easily downloadable for your convenience.

It is our hope that this becomes a collective space where we each share ideas and resources that have worked well in our school communities.  We encourage you to contribute to the Wellbeing Wall by emailing either or

If you wish to send us an idea that you have, a resource that you made or even a link to a source that you found very useful, we would really appreciate it.  You may also wish for a new topic to feature on the Wellbeing Wall covering an area of support that we have not yet provided.

