Thursday, January 31st

Resources for Thursday of Catholic Schools Week 2013 can be found on page 21-23 of the Resources Booklet and below you will find the resources adapted for use with data projectors.

Thought for the Day

One of the best images for our community of faith is that of the Body –we are the body of Christ and although we are different, each of us has our part to play, our gifts to use for the good of others. School is a great place to show how this works in action. We are not just staff who teach and students who learn, rather we are a community where each person has a role to play and talents to share and when we find ways of doing that the community is made stronger and we all come to a greater awareness of our own worth. This vision is based on the values that Jesus taught his followers not just by his words but also by his deeds.   During this Catholic Schools Week and this Year of Faith let us try to be true to that vision.

Laity – We Participate

Apostolicam Actuositatem – Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity

On 18th November 1965, the Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity was published. In this document those who participated in the Second Vatican Council outlined the role of the lay apostolate in the mission of the Church. One particular area identified was that of Charitable Works and Social Aid:

‘Wherever people are to be found who are in want of food and drink, of clothing, housing, medicine, work, education, the means necessary for leading a truly human life, wherever there are people racked by misfortune or illness, people suffering exile or imprisonment, Christian charity should go in search of them and find them out, comfort them with devoted care and give them the helps that will relieve their needs.’  (Ch 2 Paragraph 8)

St. Don Bosco Resources

From the beginning and inspired by his mother ‘Mama Margaret’ who sold her home and all her earthly possessions  to spend the last ten years of her life in devoted service to the little inhabitants of the first Salesian home, Don Bosco encouraged lay people to participate in his Mission and Apostolate.

Today lay people can participate in the work of the Salesians by volunteering to work with

a)     Don Bosco House, a home founded in Dublin by the Salesians to provide residential care and support for young people who are unable to live with their families. 




b)    Savio Volunteers, which provides opportunities for adults to participate in the Salesian mission of ‘Educating the Young’ by sharing their talents with the young and the poor in Salesian communities world-wide.




Read: A Volunteer’s Story

For You To Do:

  1. Log on to the Salesians of Don Bosco Irish Website at and read the stories of the Volunteers.
  2. Download an application form to join either the lay volunteer programme at Don Bosco House or Savio and see for yourself what is needed to participate in this aspect of the Apostolate of Lay People.
  3. Discuss why you would or would not like to be involved in these programmes.