
Holy One who journeys with me,
May I recognize the cross that is mine and carry it in a trustful way, confident that the unwanted parts of my life can be guides to my growth.
Teach me how to be with my personality traits that I consider unacceptable.
Inspire me to release my tight grip when I wrestle with the resistant part of myself that insists on having everything in life turn out the way I want.
Increase my awareness of the false judgments and unfair expectations that crowd out kindness and compassion for self and others.
Lessen unrestrained fears keeping me imprisoned in turmoil and confusion.
Soften any hardness of heart that I have toward another.
Strengthen my ability to love. Help me topple the walls that prevent my being a forgiving person.
Expand my perception of the good things that life holds. Decrease fear of not having enough, being enough, doing enough, growing enough.
Awaken the undying song of hope in my soul as I carry my unwanted cross each day, so that even in the worst of times I will continue to trust that I can do what is required.
Confident of your grace and daily empowerment, I give myself to you as fully as I am able at this time. As I carry the burden that is mine, remind me often that you are always with me, and never against me. I rest my desire for union with you into your loving care. Amen.

Joyce Rupp