Make Her Known – celebrations of 150th anniversary of ‘Mother of Perpetual Help’ Icon

Make Her Known – celebrations of 150th anniversary of ‘Mother of Perpetual Help’ Icon

The Icon of ‘Mother of Perpetual Help’ was presented by Blessed Pope Pius IX, to the Redemptorists for veneration in their newly-built Church of Sant’ Alfonso, in December 1865. At that time, the Holy Father gave the Redemptorists a mandate: they were to promote devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help throughout the world. Just over a year later, the first copy arrived in Ireland.


On January 18th, 2016 Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin launched a jubilee pilgrimage to mark the 150th anniversary, which will see the popular icon visit every cathedral in the country between April and May.

“An icon is an attempt to draw us into something deeper, rather than define a static flash-photographic image. That is why the image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help has touched hearts all around the world.”

Extract from Archbishop Diarmuid Martin’s Address at Launch, see full address here

This slideshow, Make Her Known, created by Seamus Devitt explains the icon and the special relationship with the Redemptorists.

You can view when and where the icon is travelling to by clicking the link: Follow the Icon

With this topic in mind, perhaps you might consider the following prescribed title for Religious Education Journal Work for Junior Certificate 2017 (relevant for the current second year exam students):

Section E. The Celebration of Faith

e. 1. Religious icons have been described as symbolic paintings. A case study on the purpose and main features of one such religious icon associated with a community of faith today

Recommendations should you wish to engage a group in research and further reading for this journal work title:

Religion for Living by Connie Duffy (Alpha Press) P54, P424 – 426

Religion for Living student worksheets:    Icons – Foundation Level       Icons – General Level

You can access a wide range of Religion for Living Teacher Resources by logging on to their support website here.