Sacrament of Reconciliation and Year of Mercy Resources

Sacrament of Reconciliation Resources

adult-catechism   study guide

Perhaps this could be used with a strong Senior class: Irish Catholic Catechism for Adults – Study Guide, Pgs 53/54: Chapter 18 Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation 

The following link from Veritas could also prove very helpful: How to use the Irish Adult Catechism in Your Parish:


Suitable for all classes:

YouCat Pgs 132 – 140; The Sacraments of Healing: Reconciliation

Seek & Find Pgs 185-188 Lesson 50: Forgiveness & Reconciliation

And from Northern Ireland: God’s Confession published by the Derry Diocesan Centre [£10/€15] Copies available by request email to: This simple, practical publication is an excellent student workbook exploring the Sacrament of Reconciliation over the course of five lessons.


Also for the Year of Mercy….

Catholic Schools Week 2016

Catholic Schools Week 2016 will take place from Sunday, January 31 to Saturday February 6.

The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2016 is “Catholic Schools: Challenged to Proclaim God’s mercy“.

Resources for CSW 2016 will be circulated in due course.

Trocaire’s Lenten Campaign for 2016: Climate Change as a Justice Issue

An opportunity to link in with Laudato Si’; the Papal Encyclical:

“Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or secondary aspect of our Christian experience…” (Laudato Si’, 217)

Laudato Si

See A Prayer Our Earth from Laudato Si’

See the link our Dublin Diocese Post-Primary Education Website:

Teaching the Encyclical in the Classroom

Now there are even more reasons to embrace ‘a green school’ policy and become an environmentally aware school community.

The links below offer further ideas:

Green Schools Ireland

For more ideas, take a look at this website encouraging Parishes to evaluate their approach:

Eco-Parish, Praying Nature

You could log onto RTE Player, to view the recent episode of Joe Duffy’s Spirit Level from October 4, where a discussion panel focus on Laudato Si’