Laudato Si’ – Teaching about the Encyclical in the Classroom

Laudato Si                                 hands gardening

“Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or secondary aspect of our Christian experience…” (Laudato Si’, 217)

A PRAYER FOR OUR EARTH from Laudato Si’ 

Great in the Small from Igniter Media is also a powerfully, creative interpretation of the encyclical’s theme.

Some introductory reading about the importance of this document:

From the Wall Street Journal: 5 Things to Know About Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’

From Crux: Laudato Si’ will be an Encyclical for the Ages

To stimulate discussion, you could read Karen Schousboe’s opinion of the encyclical’s title with your students: Laudato Si… what does it really mean?

PowerPoint Resources for use with students

Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’, is made accessible by John Feehan in the PowerPoint resources below:

The three PowerPoints that follow, combine to form the full presentation, delivered by John Feehan in recent weeks, entitled Teaching the Encyclical: Laudato Si’ in the classroom.

Laudato Si: Part 1

Laudato Si: Part 2

Laudato Si: Part 3

John also supplied his commentary notes in a MS Word Document: Notes to Accompany Parts 1 – 3 above

To supplement the material above, John also shared the following PowerPoints which offer further background information:

The Importance of Water


Feeding the World: Part 1

Feeding the world: Part 2

Global Warming: Part 1

Global Warming: Part 2