Selection Interviewing Boards

Post of Responsibility holders

The Principal Teacher, Chairperson of the Board of Management and an independent assessor shall constitute the Selection Board. The independent assessor shall be appointed by the Board of Management and shall be selected from a list of names drawn up specifically for this purpose between the school’s Patron and the INTO. (cf. Circular 07/03: Appointments to Posts of Responsibility).

A list of assessors has been agreed between the Dublin Diocese, as patron body, and the INTO.  Details are available from the Education Secretariat. Tel.: 01 8087587or email:

Principal teachers

A Selection Board shall be constituted and shall comprise the Chairperson of the Board of Management and at least two assessors independent of the Board of Management, to be appointed by the Patron after consultation with the chairperson. (cf. Appendix D, Constitution of Boards and Rules of Procedures, DES)

A list of assessors has been compiled by the Archdiocese of Dublin as patron body.  Details are available from the Education Secretariat. Tel.: 01 8087587 or email:

Permanent and Fixed Term/Temporary teachers

A Selection Board shall be constituted and shall comprise the Chairperson of the Board of Management, the Principal teacher and an assessor independent of the Board of Management, to be appointed by the Patron after consultation with the chairperson. (cf. Appendix D, Constitution of Boards and Rules of Procedures, DES)

Schools have been invited to submit names to the Education Secretariat of qualified people whom they can call on for their own school. These nominees will then be sanctioned by the patron for that individual school. Please note that if the assessor is not sanctioned, the selection board is not properly constituted.

Interview Fees

Fees are paid to independent assessors only. Fees vary depending on the level of appointment and the work and time involved in the interview process. Details can be obtained by contacting Karen Brady at the Education Secretariat. Tel.: 01 8087587 or by email: karen.brady@dublindiocese.