Junior Certificate Religious Education Textbooks / Resources for the Teacher

Junior Certificate Religious Education Textbooks / Resources for the Teacher

Junior Cycle Syllabus

1.  Orla Walsh, Know the Way. (Veritas, 2007) Gaeilge:  Eolas ar an tSlí                     

Revision Worksheets Sections A-D; Revision Worksheets Sections E-F and Revision Notes Sections A-F.

Know the Way: Time to Pray (Veritas, 2008)  Gaeilge: Am Urnaí  (revision worksheets; Powerpoint prayer services)


2. Connie Duffy, Religion for Living.  Junior Certificate Religious Education (2009)           

Revision Workbook.(2009);  Worksheets:

Pathfinder   (2006; Foundation edition of Religion for Living with the focus on

section B of the syllabus).


3.  Kevin Mullally, Pathways to God. Gill and Macmillan, 2006.Two volumes.





4.  Lori Fields-Whelan & Niamh McDermott, A Question of Faith   (1 Volume)

2nd edition 2010; online elements;

5.  Declan McGrath, Junior Certificate Religion.  A Revision Guide.(Folens, 2004)



Fully Alive 1, 2 and 3 – a new series for Key Stage 3 Religious Education (Northern Ireland and Britain) by Susan Morgan & Peter O Reilly – Textbook, Workbook, Activity and Teacher Cd Rom



Revision Books for Junior Cycle Examination Students

Junior Certificate Religion – A Revision Guide Declan McGrath (Folens)

Exploring Faith – Revision Workbook and Revision Tests (Celtic Press)

Less stress more success Religion for Junior Certificate (GM)

Religion for Living Concept Checklist Connie Duffy (Veritas)

Revise wise Religion (EDCO)

All about Revision Religion (GM)

General Reference Material

Cultures Apart – Oliver Brennan

Leading Life to the Full: Spiritual Reflection on Leadership in Catholic Schools. David Touhy SJ (Veritas)

At the Heart of Education School Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care edited by James Norman (Veritas)

New Directions in Religious Education. Finola Cunnane (Veritas)

The light of his face spirituality for Catholic Teachers. John Bollan (Veritas)

Catholic Education inside-out/outside in. Edited by James C. Conroy (Veritas)

Reimagining the Catholic School. Edited by Ned Prendergast and Luke Monahan (Veritas)

Including All: Home, School and Community United in Education. Concepta Conaty (Veritas)

The Catholic School at the threshold of the Third Millennium Congregation for Catholic Education (Veritas)

Relationships and Sexuality Education in Catholic Schools. (Veritas)

Bullying in Secondary Schools: What it looks like and How to manage it. Keith Sullivan, Mary Cleary and Ginny Sullivan. Sage Publications

Catholic schools in Contention. John Sullivan (Veritas)

The Fourth R for the third Millennium. Edited by Lesie J. Francis, Jeff Astley and Mandy Robbins. (Veritas)

Hear, O Islands. Edited by John Redford. (Vertias)

Teacher Leadership and Behaviour Management. Edited by Bill Rogers. Sage Publications.

On the Journey: A resource book for catechists, chaplains and all who pray with young people. Karen Kent OSU. Columbia Press.

Activities for Catholic Social Teaching: A Resource Guide for Teachers and Youth Ministers. James McGinnis, Ave Maria Press.

A Liberating Spirituality for Religious Educators. Anne M. Holton. Wyndham Hall Press.

What Every Catechist should know. Joseph White our Sunday Visitor

Religious Education Renewed: An Overview of Developments in Post-Primary Religious Education. Gareth Byrne, (Veritas)

Educating for Life. Thomas Groome, Crossroad Publishing.

Getting Real about Education. Thomas J. Norris, Columbia Press.

The faith of the Catholic Church: A Summary. (Veritas)

Surviving the Leaving Cert: Points for parents.

Children, Catholicism and Religious Education. Anne Hession and Patricia Kieran, (Veritas).

Critical Issues in Religious Education. Edited by Oliver V. Brennan, (Veritas)