Meditation Resources

Tips for Using Relaxation Scripts to Relax

1. Choose a quiet location. Dim or turn off the lights, if possible. Sit in a chair or on the floor, or lie down on a bed or mat. Select a position that is comfortable but allows you to remain awake. 

2. Read the script slowly, and if you read out loud, use a calm voice. You may want to record yourself and then play back the audio for your own personal use. Your own voice can be particularly effective for inducing the relaxation response, because people often respond best to suggestions they provide themselves. You might find you are able to relax listening to your own voice better than listening to someone else. 

3. Pause frequently. Provide ample time to relax and to follow each instruction. It is very common to read too quickly – what seems to be a very slow pace when reading, is not nearly as slow when listening. Take two or three breaths between each phrase. Pausing in the middle of a phrase can be effective, too. 

4. When reading aloud, concentrate on saying each word clearly and slowly, but not so slow as to be distracting, and without elongating the words (a bit of practice will help you adjust your reading style to your own preferences). When reading a script silently to yourself, concentrate on picturing each word and action clearly before moving on to the next. Allow yourself to actually do each step and relax rather than just reading the information. 

5. Background music can help create a calming atmosphere. Choose calming music without lyrics, and play at a low volume. 

Meditation PowerPoints

Student Guide to Meditation & Prayer Powerpoint

Meditation Module PowerPoint

Meditation Techniques PowerPoint

Meditation Word Documents

Daffodil Meditation

Various Meditations

Labyrinth Exercise

YouTube Meditation Playlist